About MovieMovie

Welcome to MovieMovie! Your personal movie diary. Track films, share thoughts, and join discussions - but first, share your own take!

What can you do here?

  • Your Movie Lists

    Save movies to watch later

  • No repeat takes

    If your public review looks too similar to others, it stays private. Fresh ideas only!

  • Unlock discussions

    Like a video game level, chat about movies only AFTER you've written your review

  • Words > numbers

    We don't use star ratings - movies can't be boiled down to a score

  • Fair chance for all

    Forum reviews shuffle randomly (but thoughtful, detailed ones get a slight boost)

Our Big Goal

We want to be the best place for real movie talk online. No spam, no lazy takes - just genuine fans sharing real thoughts.

Got Questions?

Email to me[at]snats[dot]xyz